Fashion vs. Fashion

I tried to publish this post on Saturday, but my computer has a mind of its own, and it decided to royally mess my internet up. So fashion is interpreted differently in different places. In NYC, this is normal, this is NYC's "fashion"

I love Aria Montgomery's style from Pretty Little Liars, but, where I live, it isn't common to see people wearing either of those styles.

I live in a very country town, and people here are more into rhinestone cowhide belts than oversize belts, and most of the boots around here are cowboy boots.

I personally don't own a rhinestone belt (although I do want one!), but I also like "fashion" from other places. What about you, what do you think about the different styles and fashions? I can imagine someone's reaction to the style in my town if they're used to being in LA or NYC. I love NYC fashion, but I also think that country style is cute too.
I thought that this would be an interesting thing to blog about. (: Tell me if you'd like to see another post like this one!


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