I always think that one more try will make me able to curl my hair, but it never works.
2. What's a difficult word for you to pronounce?
I'm pretty good with English, but Spanish words are a whole other story.
3. What is a favorite TV show from your childhood?
Rugrats and Rocket Power! I love, correction, I still love them. :D
4. What are your virtues and vices?
My greatest virtue would probably be that I'm pretty nice to people. I hate confrontations, and I usually get over being mad without even telling them that I'm mad.
My greatest vice is that I overreact a lot.
5. What's more important: love, fame, power, or money?
Love. That's a no-brainer for me. ♥
6. If you could live in any era/time period, when would it be and why?
Biblical times, the Italian Renaissance, the 60's through the 80's (I just love that music!). Yeah, I can't rally decide.
7. If you had to redo your entire wardrobe with 2 stores, what would they be and why?
Nordstrom and Forever 21! Nordstrom has cosmetics and cute clothes, and Forever 21 is just amazing!
8. Can you recall what you were doing a year ago on this day?
I most likely had school, tennis practice, and then church. Possibly some sort of band practice.
9. Do you have reoccurring dreams? If so, explain?
If I do, I don't remember them. I usually can't remember my dreams...
10. What's your horoscope?
Gemini, which is pretty ironic. The Gemini constellation is twins, but I don't have any siblings.
11. What does your dream bedroom look like?
I used to be in love with the Clique series, and I fell in love with the idea of Massie's room. So I guess a white room with random purple accents. Something I'd change from her room though: I love putting stuff on my walls (posters, pictures, my bulletin board etc.), so I'd put stuff all over the walls of my otherwise white and purple room.
12. What position do you sleep in?
Curled up on my side.
13. Who is your favorite vampire of all time?
I'm not a big vampire fan, but if I have to pick I guess Alice Cullen.
14. What are you currently wearing on your feet?
Essie's California Coral nail polish. (:
15. Do you have neat handwriting? Show us!
P.S. Like my cute stationary?? :D
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