I'm not very good at this...

Oh wow, it's been over a month since I last posted. Looks like I'll be telling about my spring break shopping trip a few weeks late.
So, I did get two pairs of super-cute shorts (Aeropostale and American Eagle), some gold sandals from payless. I'm still waiting for a good pair of jeggings at a price that's not $30 (if anybody knows of any, they should tell me!). I got a formal dress on sale at JC Penny's, and, last but possibly one of my favorite purchases, are a pair of sunglasses from Justice. I don't have a picture right now, so I can't let you see the reason for my shopping at Justice There's nothing wrong with the store, I'm just a bit too old to shop there. The last time I actually shopped there, it was called Limited Too. I promise though, I shamelessly carried the shopping bag around the rest of the day because the glasses were definitely worth it.
I know that wasn't much of a post, but it's getting somewhat late and I've got school tomorrow, so goodbye for now; I really will try to start updating more.


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