I also went to Dollar Tree to get some new makeup sponges, and I found some other stuff that I bought. I was surprised when I saw Maybelline at Dollar Tree. I ended up getting three blushes (sierra sand, seashell pink, and beach club coral) and Dream Mousse Shadow (turquoise breeze) along with the makeup sponges. I'll post more about the blushes, too after I get a chance to try them, but I already know one thing about the eyeshadow: I'll be using it as a base. It's a pretty color, but it's really sheer. If it weren't so glittery I'd just try and build the coverage, but it's annoying to me when I've got too much shimmer or glitter on. Oh well, it was only a dollar so it's not a total loss.
The last thing I did was go to Dollar General, where I found this great little plastic thing for me to orgagize some of my makeup in. Once again, a dollar. =]
It doesn't fit all of my makeup, but it fits over half of it. My makeup area looks tidier now, so I consider it yet another success.